Drum Cadence Dice Instructions


1.    Once you have your 12 measures of rhythms, toss the dice. 


2.    Whatever number you roll, find that measure number on your rhythm sheet.  Copy that measure down as your first measure in the drum cadence.


3.    Toss one die for the second measure.  You will alternate between one and two dice for each roll.


4.    Whatever number you roll, find that measure number on your rhythm sheet.  Copy that measure down as your second measure in the drum cadence.


5.    Repeat these steps until you have four measures in the first line of music.  Move down to line two and roll the dice until you have four measures in line two.


6.    Move down to line three, and copy your first line so that lines one and three are the same.  For line four, copy your second line so that lines two and four are the same.


7.  Practice your 16 measure cadence.